

Social media advertising is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with target audiences. 因为每个平台都有自己独特的优势, it's important to research and decide which platform will be the best fit for your brand before starting an advertising campaign. Here we have pulled together an introductory guide to the ad offerings on some of the most popular social media platforms. 


Businesses can pay to serve ads to 脸谱网 users throughout the platform, 包括通过动态消息推送吗, 故事, 视频, 卷轴搜索和市场. Ads will appear with a “sponsored” tag and can also include social information where the user’s 联系s have engaged with the advertiser.  

脸谱网上的活动可以通过 元广告管理器 (前脸谱网广告经理), 还管理Instagram上的活动, Messenger和Oculus, 允许营销人员跨平台规划和使用资产.  


Show off a product, 服务或品牌 using a single photo and an optional footer. Panoramas and 360° photos are also available to create interactive experiences.  


使用视频格式来展示你的产品, 服务或品牌, 使用运动, sound and/or subtitles (for users with sound off) to capture attention quickly and show unique features of a product or tell your brand story. 


Showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad, each with its own link. 在广告中有更多的创意空间, you can highlight different products; showcase specific details about one product, service or promotion; or tell a story about your brand that develops across each carousel card. 


集合 is an ad format that lets people move from discovery to purchase in a smooth and immersive way. A collection ad includes a cover image or video followed by three product images.  

See how brands are using some of the above formats with the following case studies:  


Businesses can pay to serve ads to Instagram users through the Instagram Feed, 故事, 卷轴或探索页面. Ads will appear in the same format as user-created posts but with a “sponsored” icon.  

Instagram活动可以通过 元广告管理器 (前脸谱网广告经理), allowing marketers to plan cross-platform and re-use assets.  


Show off a product, 服务或品牌 using a single photo and an optional footer.  


类似于图片广告, Video ads will be placed in a similar format to in-feed content, 但可以使用动态图像, sound and/or subtitles (for users with sound off) to capture attention and/or deliver more detailed messaging.  


Full-screen image, video or carousel ads that appear between 故事. 故事广告可以支持为订阅广告上传的资产, but vertical assets are recommended to utilise the full-screen format.  


A series of images and/or video to highlight different products; showcase specific details about one product, service or promotion; or tell a story about your brand that develops across each carousel card. 


集合 is an ad format that lets people move from discovery to purchase, 有封面图片或视频,后面跟着产品图片.  

See how brands are using some of the above formats with the following case studies:  


Snapchat offers a variety of ad formats, 包括图片和视频广告, filters and lenses. 该平台也有广泛的目标选择, 比如人口统计学, 利益, 行为和位置. Snapchat的用户主要是年轻人, 专注于视觉内容和娱乐. 


A full-screen mobile ad that can be used for all business objectives. 它们出现在内容之间或之后.  


使用一系列单一图像或视频广告, delivered in between content or through a branded tile in Snapchat’s Discover section, 传达信息  

Use augmented reality to connect with consumers by creating memorable, interactive moments that users can play with and share with friends. 


过滤器允许品牌参与到对话中. Using location or audience targeting, they allow users to add artistic overlays to Snaps.  


出现在策划内容中, 广告不能跳过6秒, 最长可达三分钟.  

查看Lidl如何使用上面的一些格式 本案例研究.  


TikTok offers a variety of ad formats, 包括图片和视频广告, filters, and lenses. 该平台也有广泛的目标选择, 比如人口统计学, 利益, 行为, 和位置. 抖音用户主要是年轻人, with a focus on short-form video content and entertainment. 


Full-screen vertical video ads appear within the user’s feed with the look and feel of organic content. In addition to a CTA button, ads can be further enhanced with interactive add-ons.  


Ads are placed in prime position at the top of the user’s feed and will be the first video to appear when the app is opened. 


火花的广告 boost existing content into native ads presented 饲料 or as 赢富数据. 内容可以来自该品牌的TikTok账户, 或由其他创作者制作的有机帖子(经许可).


Hashtag challenges allow brands to spark trends and cultural movements, and encourage their audiences to participate by creating content aligned with the brand’s aims.   

See how brands are using some of the above formats with the following case studies:  


Twitter提供多种广告格式, 包括图片和视频广告, 促进了微博, 以及推广账户. 该平台也有广泛的目标选择, 比如人口统计学, 利益, 行为, 和位置. Twitter用户的人口结构是多样化的, 有不同的年龄层和兴趣爱好, 关注新闻和时事. 


Simple ad format with all the elements of a standard Tweet and allows for the usual interactions such as like, 回复和转发. 


就像文字广告一样, these appear in-feed but with the use of images or video to capture attention and deliver stronger messages. 图像和视频 ads can be enhanced with features like buttons or polls to drive calls to action and/or engagement.  


Use up to six swipeable images or videos to showcase multiple products or advance a narrative across several visuals.  

See how German Doner Kebab is using some of the above formats with 本案例研究. 


支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.